Upendra Sunuwar
Upendra Sunuwar

Upendra Sunuwar

Trekking Guide


Nepali, English, Malaya.


At his early 25 yers he sets off his career in trekking sector; Starting his journey as a porter then steadily as a mountain guide and a group leader within his 10 years of trekking experience.

Contact Information

+977- 9863668251 sunuwarupendra953@gmail.com

Skills, Knowledge & Passion

Upendra Sunuwar has been a trekking guide in our Saul Himalaya Trek & Tours for a long time. He has been an excellent trekking guide for the past 10 years worked as a guide. Born in Okhaldunga Patle 1, Sunuwar is an honest and very diligent person. He has done primary-level teaching from Patle High School and although Sunuwar's goal was to become a sportsman, he says that he had to change over time to become a trekking guide. Sunuwar had worked in a factory in Malaysia for three years before this closure, and now Sunuwar has decided to do something in Nepal. Sunuwar wants to travel to new trekking destinations and countries. He is also a member of the ex-students foundation.